Price of 100+ rated players on the transfer list (boss coins)?
Hello there,
was there lately a change in pricing in boss coins for a players rated over 100 and if yes can someone please link news here? Lately I am noticing the increase of the price in the way that 100+ rated players are no longer priced in a way that he costs lets say 50M + 1 boss coin, but rather 50M + 2 BC's (if he is rated 100-105), 50M + 3 BC's (if he is rated 106-110) etc.
Was there a change to that pricing and will it be permanent? If yes, why? DFo you guys not take enough coins from us via scout, 100+ players from scout and many other ways? Why not trying to stop these cheaters at top 100 ranking who are not doing transfers or anything? Why always updates that fall on the back of us normal and active players?
Matt -
Hi there,
There is a test going on with transfer fees. Once the test is over they will analyse the results and make a decision wheter or not to change the transfer fees. As this is a test, there is no communication about this. They don't want that to infuence users behaviour.
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