My team is gone!!
looks like it appears as 'team currently not available" does this means the league is deleted? pretty messed up cause i invested so many credits, am i gonna get it back or not? cause i don't know what caused it to happen very unfortunate!
I got the same problem with my new Chelsea game. Like u said pretty messed up
Im on tournment and cant acess My team 🥴
Some kind of a reply would be nice
Sane here give us a reply dear moderators
@poccnr @Another_Houdini @Gekke-Henkie-jr @shinjimoritami
Hi there,
When you see that your clubslot is temporarely not available, it means that there is maintenance going on in your league or the server that your are playing on. Once the maintenance is over, your clubslot will become available again. How long that takes is hard to say. It might be anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. So just be patient and check back from time to time to see if you can acces that clubslot again.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but sometimes maintenance is necessary.
F FC Eddie_NL locked this topic on