Spent Boss coins on player pack and didn't receive it
I just spent 50 Boss Coins on a Silver player pack but didn't receive it because this league doesn't support transfers... Then can I get the 50 coins back?
FYI, no other support service works, Dutch isn't available. In the EN-US setting you can only report an offensive name. Furthermore I'm using the web version because I can't use the app due to some login error. -
Hi. Whoever answers that question plz note: i have noticed over recent days, a lot of people are having issues with logging in on the app
Hi there,
Items such as player packs are stored in your inventory (the blue-yellow OSM bag). From there you can use them on any clubslot where transfers are allowed and items can be used.
The below link is OSM's general link to the customer service, which can be viewed in different languages. When you click on "een aanvraag indienen" you will have to select 'OSM' to fill in the contact sheet in English. The reason for English language is because OSM is an international game with users from all over the world.
If you're log in issue on the app is due to incorrect managername/password, then that means that you are trying to log into the international version of OSM. With OSM NL and OSM World we have two seperate versions of OSM that act independantely from each other. You will have to switch the region to Dutch to be able to log in to your account.
On iOS you can switch the region by going to the settings of the OSM app through the settings of your phone.
On Android, you can switch the region on the login page of the OSM app.
Thanks. Support seems to work, in the drop down box I just had to click on OSM.
And region somehow did the trick. -
1 thing that hasn't been solved; So have received the player pack indeed, but I can't use it in this league (didn't know) so it's useless. Could get the 50 coins back? -
Solved through the support of OSM.
Topic can be closed in my opinion. -