Can't play in my friends league.
Hi, me and some friends want to play a league together. All my friends can join the league but when I try it keeps on saying "the invite is for a different region". I've tried changing my region but I can't figure it out. The weird thing is I'm in the same exact region as all my friends (belgium). I'm playing on the android app. Does someone now a fix?
Hi mate,
If you receive that message, it indicates that you are in the wrong version of OSM. There are two versions: OSM NL, which is only for the Netherlands, and OSM World, which serves an international audience. These two versions operate independently. This indicates that it is possible to maintain an account on both versions.
In which version of the OSM are your Friends participating - NL or World?
If you believe you are using the correct version and still encounter issues, please provide more specific details about the problem you are facing.
FC Eddie_NL Moderator NLreplied to ScaryT on 10 Nov 2024, 11:57 last edited by FC Eddie_NL 10 Nov 2024, 11:59
Hi there,
Like @Lirind said: OSM has two seperate versions. One is OSM NL and is mostly for users that live in The Netherlands and Belgium. The other version is OSM World and is an international version where users from all around the world can play together. As both versions act indepentantely of each other, the account you have created only works on the version where it was created on.
This account you are having is located on OSM World and can thus only be played on OSM World. You're friends are either playing on OSM NL or you have downloaded the wrong version of the Android app.
The first thing you can try is to go the login page of the OSM app and check which region is selected: Dutch or World. If it is Dutch, then you have to switch that region to World and you should be able to login and find the league your friends are playing in.
If it is already set on World region, then your friends are playing on OSM NL. You have then two choises:
- You can switch to the Dutch region and create an account on that version of OSM. Then you should be able to find the league your friends are playing in.
- All your friends create an account on OSM World and you can play together on the World version of OSM.