Free Boss coins problem
Since two days, I can not use the free boss coins sections in the laptop version. What happened? Could you please help?
Hi there,
Could you be a bit more specific, please? Do ads not load? Is the button transparent? Or something else?
@FC-Eddie_NL Hi Eddie, the ads doesnt load, I have had that before as well, but even then it was possible to get the boss coins. Now no ads and no boss coins
Could be a number of things:
- Have you installed an adblocker for your browser? If so, you have to deactive the adblocker for OSM to watch the videos.
- Perhaps it's solved by removing the cookies and cache of your browser.
- If you have watched an ad and want to watch another one, you will sometimes have to wait a few more second before clicking on the button again.
They are now aware of an issue with the ad player on the webversion of OSM. It will take some time before this will get solved.
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