League Recruits
hello i need league .hehehe. i need 4 preparation day
So a group of old mates and I are planning on creating an XMAS reunion league or older managers. in about 2 weeks time, Nostalgian Cup A where we would try to get as many "nostalgic" managers to join us there so we all could play together and have fun in the honour of the good old days of OSMWe already created a chatroom for the league where we are trying to see If we will manage to find enough interested managers to join us, so If you are interested feel free to PM Majstor Matt or me and give us your thought whether you'd be interested in some kind of league like that
I'm 26, is that old enough? -
@tve-nl not age wise
asin in the game like old players from 2010 to 2016 etc n
Ah that's more like it. But since when is 2016 old? -
@tve-nl I was just adding a 1&6 to your age
and 2016 is when most of us left -
due to the new forums and many changes that occurred then
@tve-nl If you are interested you are more than welcome to join us. Any member of legendary crew that is Golden Legend's is "old enough"
League - South Korea
League name- Jeffro Davies WD Tour
4prep days, only just created 2 hour ago
10 teams out of 12 left
Everyone welcome -
League: Salvador
League name: La Liga Mayor-huzar'18
1 preparatory day
8 free teams
All options are YES
I invite you -
League: Australia
Match start: 5 hours
Number of clubs in the League: 10
Number of free clubs in the league: 4Managers who are active and not resign in the league can participate.
Name : Johnnypedrito Honduras
League: Honduras
Match start: 4 days
Number of clubs in the League: 10
Number of free clubs in the league: 9
Free league - Join -
The OFM CHRISTMAS REUNION league is currently on preparation day 3 , two more clubs are available. Any experienced managers that think they have what it takes kindly PM me @e-u-g-e-n-e OR @Majstor-Matt .
If you want to take a rest from spending coins and transfers, join Nation League
12 free teams, start 9 dec -
League: Faroe Islands
League Name: REVENGE
Teams: 10/2
Server: Jose
Matchday in 3 day 6 hours
Moderator: RevengeisComing -
League: Metin Oktay Ligi
Teams: 2 Teams are free
Preparation Day: 3 Days Left
League: La Coupe des foins
Teams : 10/16
Preparation Day : 3 days Left
Champions d'Europe B -
League: Bosna Hersek
League Name: Premijer Liga
Server: Fernando
Number of free clubs in the league: 4
Matchday in 2 day 6 hours -
Looking for league which is consisting veteran players. I'd be glad if you send me an invitation.