It keeps saying ''Oops" when I go into squad
@_xasky_ i have the same problem how can i fix it?? ?
What can be the issue when one save keeps closing the whole app upon entering, all the others are working as fine as,
Asking for a friend btw.Thanks in advance!
I think this bug happens in several teams. The ones I experienced are: Chelsea, Crystal Palace and Atalanta...What other teams you encountered the same problem? I just wondered.
whenever i pick 1 of my teams on andriod it closes the app. my other 3 teams do work. it happened in the slot of a winners league.
@specialone Hi Admin, I have the same issue most people are getting since this last couple days. In my case, it's with Atalanta (3rd slot). I can't access from my phone (app crashes instantly) and from PC the view of the menus looks bugged
, plus I can't see my roster nor sell any players, it keeps giving me an error message and brings me back to the career dashboard.
Missed the entire pre-season and season almost starts so basically everything's screwed... Could you please help me and the other guys who still have this same issue from days now?
I started a new career with dinamo bucharest in romanian first league and when i try to open that slot on android phone the game crashes and closes. its the only slot i can't open. on pc i can't access my squad. i can access anything else but not my squad.
@abdullahadel047 same here, i also have that problem
@francescoangel send e-mail to support because on forum answer you will get in few days
We're sorry for this situation
There was an issue with one of our servers this weekend and quite some leagues were corrupted. All should be fixed tomorrow (leagues reset) and all BCs spent by managers will be refunded.
If you're league mod you should keep your league and if you're not, you will be removed from the league, but both will get the refund of BCs spent.
Again, sorry for all the trouble and thanks for your patience.
@specialone so i think we need fast transfer event to make a good team again . And, please when my coums will back again i really need it
@seka-yassen Refunds should be made between 24 to 72 hours!