How can we increase club funds & selling ratios ?
Hi, I've been playing the Online Soccer Manager for quite some time. As usual in every football manager game, there is a transfer market where I can trade relatively active. But I'd like to upgrade my team and need a few methods ( Strategies, trading tips, etc.) to make more coins. Who might have some trading tips, trading strategies, etc. for me?
Thanks in advance ;D
@10benten Hello, welcome to the game and on the World forum
Your topic's title was a bit confusing I think.
To clear things out first. On OSM we have the Boss Coins , it's the game's currency and the Club Funds for each football team. When we talk about transfers and sold players at the TLs ( TransferLists ) we talk about ways to increase our club funds not the coins.
So are you asking us for tips on how to achieve better selling ratios on your players and increase your club funds ? Or something else?About TransferLists and increase of Club Funds please have a look at the below links:
@supernova-8 Yes,I am playing everyday and I want to get some better players so I amasking for tips on how to achieve better selling ratios on my players and how increase my club funds .Thanks for helping me ;D
@10benten Cool. Please click on my links then .
And you're welcome. Best of luck to you!
@derrömer # Said in Transferlist:
Hey everyone,
I know that there are already many, many posts regarding this topic but there is still so much uncertainty. At least for me.
I am playing in the “Fight of the Nations” or in german “Kampf der Nationen” league. Currently we are still in the preseason. I play Switzerland and have a big roster deficit against teams like Spain or France.
I wanted to buy players off the TL and sell them at a higher price. But the first few players I bought are still not sold. Even 1 1/2 days. Their price first was at the max (x2,5) like many suggest but than I became inpatient and lowered their price.
To get to my questions: what is the best tactic to sell players and how does the Computer buy players? Is it with an algorithm or is it just random and has therefore no effect on the price the players are set?
@derRömer Hello & welcome to the World forum.
As you can see for yourself I quoted your post and brought it in here because it is part of the tasks being asked from a Forum Moderator to do. We are asked and advised to keep the forum as tidy as possible. We avoid having too many similar topics. You were the one that admitted to have seen several topics talking about the same subject :Transferilst . And I quote your words:
" I know that there are already many, many posts regarding this topic but there is still so much uncertainty. At least for me. "
Nevertheless you chose to open one more topic for the exact same matter. Your post and questions belong in here, I believe I have answered already to another fellow manager and provided two links about your questions on my previous posts right on this topic. Please use these links to get the required infos to your questions. Please do not spam other topics for no reason whatsoever. It is against the forum rules.
Note: I had to delete your original topic last night but missed this action, I will do it now. I will also have to delete your spamming post on the other topic about "Using scout properly". This is not the way to move around the forum.
I also leave this topic open in case any other manager or Forum Mod wishes to add something different about the Transferilsts.Thank you all in advance and have a nice Sunday.