My Guess
6-9 May = Golden Oldies
13-16 May = Transfer Maddness
20-23 May = Super Staff
27-30 May = Training Talents -
-May 2022: Weekend events schedule
May 06 - May 08: Transfer Madness
May 13 - May 15: Extreme Progression
May 20 - May 22: Training Talents
May 27 - May 29: Extreme TrainingIMPORTANT
Note 1: This schedule is subject to change
Note 2: We may randomly add flash (4h and 24h) events in the middle of the week -
Temporary event: Champions Trainer
Starts: May 4, 7pm CEST - Ends: May 4, 11pm CESTTraining sessions in champions style during the Champions Trainers Event!
Champions Cup nights deserve champions worthy players. That's why you can train your players in 2 hours instead of 8 hours.
Tonight is the night to profit from this special Event. Tip: choose a club in the Champions Cup for the full Champions experience!
@specialone Can you please post the schedule for May? Next event already starts in less than 24 hours...
@koningco said in Promotions/Campaigns:
@specialone Can you please post the schedule for May? Next event already starts in less than 24 hours...
This was already posted, but in a completely new topic. See here.
@alyssagb why aren't you guys adding upcoming events kind of thing in game
This weekend's event: Transfer Madness
Starts: May 6, 10am CEST | Ends: May 9, 9am CESTDuring this event the chance of selling players on the Transfer List will be much higher!
You can now also add 6 instead of 4 players to the Transfer List at the same time. The Transfer List should be the core of a successful manager, because selling players is a great way to make Club Funds. And with those new Club Funds you can buy other players to improve your Squad.
So don't wait any longer and quickly sell some players from your Squad!
@fc-eddie_nl Really.... and nobody thought to mention it here?
@alyssagb can you give us a year schedule so we can plan competitions between all the shit transfermadness events. Don't you see that most of the people hate this event and it kills all the fun about playing osm.
This event has the most resistance of all the events.
You have to watch your phone the whole weekend otherwise your comp is ruined. And even then you are too late often. Transferlist empty.
Or make an extra button when you create a new competition that you can exclude that competition for all upcoming events en just play. -
@jopie1313_nl Maybe the problem is not the transfer event, but the random transfer times. I find the game much more irritating since transfer workers can occur shortly after the previous one and just before match time. I would have played with 8 players yesterday evening when I was out, because 3 players were sold 5 minutes before match time.
The problem is that GB does not understand how we play their game and that we don't want to play OSM 24/7.
In my opinion Legends are the worst event, it happened often that a beginner bought 3 legends for 300 free coins in a lower league and those players were so strong that the other managers didn't have a chance against him and resigned.
Temporary event: Top Facilities
Starts: May 10, 7pm CEST - Ends: May 10, 11pm CESTTake advantage of this event Tuesday between 19:00 and 23:00 CEST!
During this event there are shorter timers for Training and Stadium! This means that it will take much less time to train players and to expand a part of your Stadium.
Expand your Stadium for advantages during a match at home, more progression during Training and more income from gate receipts.
Train your players and build the biggest Stadium out there!
Youngsters United FC English Usersreplied to KoningCo on 9 May 2022, 13:07 last edited by Youngsters United FC 9 May 2022, 13:10
@koningco hey you can add players who is not on the line up on transfer list. Then there will be no problem i guess. I told this as i always do like that during transfer madness.
@koningco said in Monthly weekend events schedule:
@jopie1313_nl Maybe the problem is not the transfer event, but the random transfer times. I find the game much more irritating since transfer workers can occur shortly after the previous one and just before match time. I would have played with 8 players yesterday evening when I was out, because 3 players were sold 5 minutes before match time.
The random transfer times really are a pain in the ass. But having 3 players in your lineup during a transfer madness event just isn't a smart move, you can't blame GB for that
@alyssagb I will have to miss the stadium part again, because I always start stadium upgrades in the morning. Now I didn't read the announcement, because I don't expect events on Tuesday.
KoningCo English Usersreplied to acaciadelft_NL on 11 May 2022, 20:44 last edited by KoningCo 11 May 2022, 20:46
The random transfer times really are a pain in the ass. But having 3 players in your lineup during a transfer madness event just isn't a smart move, you can't blame GB for that
I do blame GB for that! They introduced a new transfer system that is worse than the old system. I don't want to play a game where I always have to be online during match time, but with the current system I can't complete with other active managers. Either I loose a match because I didn't play with the best 11 or with less than 11 players or my opponents beat me because can continue their sales while I removed my trading players from the transfer market. Transfers until 2 hours before the match were the holy grail for me, nightly workers were not a problem for me as everyone was less active then. But since the changes with transfers around matchtimes I barely played in active leagues (and I might leave this game entirely now it becomes even more about who pays the most coins, after free coins were decreased from 4 or 3 per day).
This weekend's event: Extreme Progression
Starts: May 13, 10am CEST | Ends: May 16, 9am CESTThis weekend it's time to really make your players sweat on the training ground.
Put your players to work during the Training and let them shine in a Friendly afterwards. They will get extreme progression with every Training & Friendly!
@koningco said in Monthly weekend events schedule:
I do blame GB for that! They introduced a new transfer system that is worse than the old system. I don't want to play a game where I always have to be online during match time, but with the current system I can't complete with other active managers. Either I loose a match because I didn't play with the best 11 or with less than 11 players or my opponents beat me because can continue their sales while I removed my trading players from the transfer market.
Like I said, I don't like the random transfer times either. But it's a really simple choice, ether you check your line-up during match time or else you don't put your starting players on the transfer list.
In my opinion it's only fair to "reward" the active managers because they put more work in it.
@acaciadelft_nl Well said a vote for you
KoningCo English Usersreplied to acaciadelft_NL on 12 May 2022, 22:14 last edited by KoningCo 12 May 2022, 22:14
@acaciadelft_nl I always keep my players on the transfer list for a couple of days. If I notice someone is not sold after a few days than I remove him from the list and put him immediately back on. I don't want to remove players because I every time am away, watching tv or doing something else during match times. This is just user UNfriendly.
@koningco your choice!!