OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
Suleman____freplied to King_Jamiu_10 on 2 Nov 2019, 16:57 last edited by Suleman____f 2 Nov 2019, 16:58
Posted by @dudejuao
@dudejuao said in ranking teams with stars:
rank teams with stars,from half a star to 5 stars.
@dudejuao - This is VERY similar to EA sports Fifa (20 for example) though.... and therefore it isn't much of a new feature but it is an interesting feature though!
@roni-meda said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
@roni-meda said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
i would propose new achievements for 2020 :
Goal Machine 700 goals scored in a year (1 slot)
Tactical One 300 games won in a year (1 slot)
Oil Money buy 1500 players in a year (1 slot)
Rain of Points reach 50,000 points in a year 1 slot )repost to dont forget
@roni-meda - I think the ideas are really interesting and achievable. However the achievement you proposes called Oil Money - buy 1500 players in a year (1 slot) is a bit of a challenge in my opinion for people who may buy the best players in the transfer list for a cheap price (not spam buy the cheap players to get the achievement).
Are there any plans to include creating your own formations in the future ?
@Ado-Hackovic i would like that very much, they are always repeating the same leagues and most of them are far from being balanced, french league with PSG for example...
@Ado-Hackovic yes
@Suleman____f said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
I think that this would be a pretty cool and unique idea to the game to create your own player!
The customized player you make can:
- Be aged between 20-29
- Can play in any selected position (Attacker,Midfielder,Defender or Goalkeeper)
- Can train like normal players
- Have a rating between 78-110 (110 is the maximum potential the player can reach)
I like the idea @Suleman____f ! It'd be a nice thing to add your own custom manager. Especially if you use Managers FC in the 442oons League and create yourself as the player/manager and get the player rated highly to the 100's!
Hi all osmers
New suggestion:
Sometimes we use a kind of tactic and lineup that we need to keep it on mind to use it on a very specific time and against a very specific opponent tactic.
So what I want to say is: I suggest to give every manager the possibility to save this tactic !
And give the manager a simple little space to save for example 10 tactic with appropriate line-up
I think that my idea is clear -
It would be great if crew battles had more leagues then this.
I have some suggestions for the Osm creators and moderators. Can you please not have to pay 15 boss coins to buy a player from your scout? I think that should be dropped to maybe 5 boss coins. I also wish times for training, doctors, and scouts could be less. I wish that the times could be cut in half permanently, not just for a weekend event. For example, time for training should be cut in half from the current 8 hours to 4 hours permanently, because it makes training players very time consuming when it is 8 hours. I also wish there can be a name feature for the scout so we can find the exact player we want. Lastly, I also don't know why it costs you 200 boss coins some times to manage bigger teams. It seems unfair to managers like me that have been playing Osm for almost 3 years and that I still can't even manage Arsenal, which has a 7th place objective. I think you should not have to pay to manage big teams once you have over 2 years of Osm experience and have at least 30 trophies in your cabinet. Please, can the Osm creators make these updates or at least one or two of them? It would make the game much more fun and exciting.
I have some suggestions for Osm (1.) I hope managers that reach their objective in their first season can be able to do a second season. It makes the game more fun and my hard work of training and buying really good players would not always go to waste.
(2.) I think the number of boss coins you have to pay for scouted players is too high. 15 boss coins are too much, and I think it should be lowered to maybe 5. (3.)Also, I think the objectives for the Premier League need to be changed. Everton's objective is not 4th, Liverpool's objective is not 4th, and Chelsea's objective is not 1st. (4.) Can times for training and the positions you can train be lowered? I think 8 hours for training is too long, so I think it should be cut to 4 hours permanently. You should not have to train strictly just 1 forward, midfielder, defender, and goalie at one time. (5.) I lastly think the time for doctors to finish should be lowered from 16 hours. 16 hours is a long wait for just one or two injury healings. I think the time should be lowered to 10 hours. Also, why is it that Osm forum moderators rarely respond to the suggestions? It would be good for them to respond to suggestions so we can see if the suggestions are possible.: -
Let me rephrase suggestion number 4: Can times for training be lowered? I think 8 hours is too long, so I think it should be cut to 4 hours permanently. I also think you should be able to train for example 4 defenders at a time instead of strictly always having to train one forward, midfielder, defender, and goalie at a time.
I agree with number 5
Not agree with number 4 -
@uchenna-a said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
I have some suggestions for Osm (1.) I hope managers that reach their objective in their first season can be able to do a second season. It makes the game more fun and my hard work of training and buying really good players would not always go to waste.
Regarding suggestion number 1: I remember some other users have come with that some suggestion in the past, which in my opinion doesn't make any sense. This is a one-season game. If you were able to play a second season where you keep your previously improved squad then the game would lose the whole point.
Also, this suggestion would not be practical if implemented. Bear in mind that not every manager would continue playing on the second season. Many of them would gradually resign during the first season, as it normally happens, plus there would be other teams managed by the computer without any improvements made to their squads. Your suggestion would not be fair on the new players who join that league at the beginning of the second season, as they would have to start from scratch building their squad while other managers have previous squads which have a value 20 or 30 times higher than theirs. Would would want to join a league under such circumstances?
@DWilson Very well said and spot on ! I couldn't agree more with your points David. Thank you very much for your post.
@uchenna-a said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
Let me rephrase suggestion number 4: Can times for training be lowered? I think 8 hours is too long, so I think it should be cut to 4 hours permanently. I also think you should be able to train for example 4 defenders at a time instead of strictly always having to train one forward, midfielder, defender, and goalie at a time.
What you suggest to change for each training course's duration in hours happens only whenever we get a speed up weekend event on the game's Staff.
I'm afraid if the duration was lowered that much for every training it would cause a extreme rise on the players's powers/skills. Too many and too fast 100+ players on our squads ? Not sure if it would be ideal or realistic. Besides it was you who recently complained about high skilled players being hard to get sold.
Right Uchenna? -
@DWilson Well in the second season they the league can allow new managers for the clubs that had managers that did not reach their objective or were managed by the computer in their first season. Also, I still think adding a 2nd season would make the game more fun as I have seen many other people make suggestions for a 2nd season in reviews for Osm. There could also be a draft to draft decent 75 to 90 overalls to the new managers at the beginning of the 2nd season. I also think that Osm being a one-season game takes realism out of it, and I hope this update can be made sometime in the future.
At this point I think it would help to make a couple of things clear about this topic. We did not name it Chatroom for nothing.
- If you look back on the topic you will see there are several comments made by Staff.
- About us , Forum Mods , we are not going to react on every single idea, especially when they have been answered more than once on this same topic.
- Last but not least, whenever a new idea gathers enough attention and support from the rest of the OSM community it is then when you will see us ( Mods & Staff ) replying and taking further actions to promote it.
K thanks for letting me know
I know this is a stretch but I think it would be really cool. I think it would be cool if gamebasics made an OBM game. (Online Basketball Manager) I personally think basketball is also a really popular and fun sport around the world, just like soccer. I also think OBM would draw a lot of people to it. I think it could not only have the NBA but also a bunch of other leagues like the Euro League, Australian League, and Chinese League.
@SUPERNOVA-8 Also I didn't really complain about high skilled players being hard to sell, I was just wondering why they rarely ever sell and a Moderator's answer to my question.