OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
Often on the homepage/dashboard it says there is a special offer on the transfer list, but there is nothing there, is this a bug?
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@Suvven said in OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions:
Often on the homepage/dashboard it says there is a special offer on the transfer list, but there is nothing there, is this a bug?
This is not the Support Category mate! Your post and question had no place on this discussion topic about game features. Please open a new topic of your own at the Support of the Forum and wait for your reply there.
Thank you in advance! -
I would suggest to swap these 2 views. First you see all the leagues that exist and the teams available in them, and only then if none of the teams that are free suit you, you can go to standard view and choose any team you want. Also add an explanation when a new manager joins to explain this to them.
There are just too much leagues with only 3, 4 or 5 teams playing. For example: I'm looking to take over a team in Belgium, there are like 8 or 9 leagues in the preparation days with only 3 or 4 managers in each, which is just silly...
I have a feeling many managers don't know this feature or don't know how to use it.
I mean what's the point of having 10 leagues with only 4 managers if you could have 2 leagues with 20 managers ?
I don't know how the standard view works when you choose a team but I don't think it's working properly, seen we have so many empty leagues and many new ones created by OSM...
Anyone else has some suggestions for this and what do you think about mine ?
There are many leagues with less managers because most managers rather pay BC in order to train the same clubs instead of saving those BC and signing for other clubs that are avaliable.
Head to Head battles would be nice to have. These battles shouldn't be counted on ranking they should be just friendlies and like 1000BC for creating it (so head to head to be created with BC). This will give us something new on the game, this will boost the rivalry between crews.
The logic to be similar as creating a league so the user have to decide if it have to be with timers, ST, TC etc etc. -
@DMFArranhado98 I find it hard to imagine that someone would want to play the same team over and over again with all those competitions to choose from, but I guess you must be right when I look at all the leagues created.
I was wondering if in "Active leagues" we could have the playday mentionned somewhere. It's annoying to have to click on the league to see where they are in the calendar.
Do you mean the time of the day their matches are played?
No, I actually mean on which day they are on in their calendar. I know it's confusing but I don't seem to find a better way to say it. For example:
In Belgium: I want to know if they are at -2/30 matches (prep day 3) or 6/30 matches (match 6).
I check in active leagues but I have to open the league in order to see if it already started or not and it's so annoying because if you have lots of leagues you don't remember which you already opened and which not.
I hope it's clearer now.
Do you care that much about the matchday each league is on?
I usually just pick the league I want (currently, I've been competing on every continents alternatively, going from the bottom leagues on each the ranking of each confederation to the top ones) and then select the standard league that matchmaking links me to after selecting a team (that is, under my criteria, the one with more starter players). -
@SUPERNOVA-8 Please can I get a response from you or another mod about my weekend event suggestions from 29 days ago? You can just look back through the topic to see them, because I have gotten a response on whether they will be possible or not from any mod or GB official. Not to be rude but I have seen you online multiple times and posted in other topics, even posted in this topic 4 days ago to a post, and I asked you 7 days ago if you think my suggestions are possible or not but got no response. Please I would appreciate if you responded because you were more active in this topic in the past but not as much now even though I see you online, please?
@DMFArranhado98 Yes, because I don't want to join leagues with only 4 or 5 people in it, and on my server there are none with more...
So I go to "Active leagues" -> check a server -> check Belgium league (for example), and then I look at all the leagues that have enough players, but I have to click on each league that matches my criteria to see which day they're on, while it would be much simpeler if they just showed it when you see all the leagues, if they can put the number of managers they can put the day also I think. Now it takes me a lot of time to find a league that's still in prep days and has enough managers.
Afterwards when I found a good league I join a manager that's in that league.
@Green_Ranger_B96 You'll mean this? http://prntscr.com/qv2gu9
Green_Ranger_B96replied to Acantha on 30 Jan 2020, 14:28 last edited by Green_Ranger_B96 30 Jan 2020, 14:33
@Acantha Yes but I want it in "Active leagues" also, I already know the league view thing but it's only for leagues of your server. It's because there aren't any good leagues on my server I need to have this info on the Active league view.
@Green_Ranger_B96 That wouldn't make any sense, for the simple reason that it's not possible to change servers.
Only on temporary base by invite, but then you can ask questions to the human league moderator before joining. -
I was thinking it would be better if you guys could bring a visual effect for the cup draw in leagues. As people only tend to see the cup draw in the dashboard(MatchDay) or when they visit the match calender. So instead of that, bringing a notification for the draw, like a visual effect is there for the match right like that or publishing it in the press room would be very useful. Many of my friends also suggested this. Hoping that you guys would see this message and respond back. Thank you.
Green_Ranger_B96replied to Acantha on 31 Jan 2020, 08:19 last edited by Green_Ranger_B96 31 Jan 2020, 08:22
@Acantha Really ? How come I have just joined a league on "JayJay" server while I'm on "Luis" with my 2nd slot without invite from any of the managers in the league ?
What i thought about is a slight change in goalkeepers player tab. Now they have 3 game stats same as other players: games played, goals and assists. As we know, these are not the most important stats for a goalkeeper. That's why i'd suggest this slight fix. Instead of goals and assist there would be goals conceded and clean sheets