OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
Hello! I have a suggestion for this game to make it more realistic. Okay, so lets cut to the chase. We all know that this is a very good game. You can buy anyone and any player you desire the most. For this, managers just go ham and buy all the players. So what im saying, there should be a summer transfer window and a winter transfer window like they do in real life. Thank you!
Sincerly abubakr wahab_1
Hello! Fellow the admin. I would like to say a very good suggestion. I think you would like it. So, i was saying, I really want like in real life transfer window's. For example, winter transfer window, and summer transfer window. This would be a good idea because some manger's do unrealistic signing which me, i like to buy young talents and train them. So, please do the suggestion im asking you
Thank you!
P.S This is my favorite game ever.
@abubakr-wahab_1 Hi mate, post here... https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/3310/osm-game-features-chatroom-suggestions/904
BTW, I found you already posted something similar there, so I don't think there is any need to do it again, anyway... cheers -
Thanks mate... -
Please osm can you specify the player position and his dominant foot in next versions
Hi, so I'm managing Chelsea in the premier league against my friends (for money). Recently I bought Manuel Neuer and now I'm doubting wether to sell Kepa and keep Caballero. Is it really important to have 2 good goalkeepers on the team? (taking into account that Kepa is 84 and Caballero 66) Thanks in advance!
Re: Suggestion
Would like to inquire when will all other german teams be allowed in OSM. Like bayern is already there so when will the rest join becoz we managers really are desperately waiting for the german players.
Request is that while making a offer to buy a fellow manager's player there shuld be a option where we can send a player frm our side as well (if he requires) also with this player swap there shuld be another option of adding money during the player swap and all these details shuld be dispalyed in the notification and as well on the negotiations. (This is becoz in my leagues i have noticed tht no one reads the chats alot. And in my recent league i have been keen on buying english players and i have made lots of offers and and no one is reading my chats to the managers in which i clearly state tht u can buy this player of mine in exchange for yours. And as for the money during exchange option is becoz if im buying a 80 stat player and im exchanging a 85 stat player, the other manager can easily send a certain amount of money to compensate for the extra 5 stat of the exchanged player). Wht do u think guys of these 2 options? -
@Josemaldonado_1 im sorry i just thought you wouldnt respond cause i got deleted
@Lakshay-Ahluwalia also i noticed tht there are language problems among us managers. Take my example;i was trying to secure a player frm city and the manager was frm turkey. Some how we communicated and got the deal underway. So if my above suggestion would be put in an update then we mangers can easily swap players and buy or sell players to other managers. Negotiations will become a whole lot easier then. We wont have to wait for them to see (especially if their notifications are off) and we wont have a language problem either
Good afternoon, when do you finish with the stages? I don't think they add value to the game.
the game had more to gain and since what really animates this game is the list of transfers, if the scout was more effective, more precise in their searches, the filters improved and it didn't take that long, we would all benefit, especially because if lower the number of coins to spend 16 is an exaggeration, I think there would be more people using the scout. I think that 5 coins would be a very acceptable value.Instead of the stage, why not make stadium improvements faster? so players would evolve more and there it is if the transfer market were improved we would have more coins to circulate.
Thank you,
Hi.I have an opinion about scout target for leagues.We know we cannot send scout to some countries as Georgia,Iceland,Albania,Moldovia,Algeria and many more but we can send the scout to some of these countries like georgia,algeria.Maybe the developers should add some of the newest leagues(andorra,kosovo,canada,ghana,gibraltar),georgia,iceland,moldovia,algeria,azerbaijan etc. because in these leagues there is lots of good players to scout.
Hello everyone,
first of all let me say i really enjoy the game.
Second: i have some suggestions. (sorry if this is not in the right place?)suggestion 1: there are some "legend" competitions where clubs or countries all have players with the same age (26) like south korea 2002, france 1998 or ajax 1995.
Please make the age so that the players have the real age from then (Henry age of 19, Blanc age of 31) This is more fun for trainingSuggestion 2: winners cup.
if you really want to let the managers play to be the best manager of all, then you must include all/more competitions and no traning camps allowed. This is the only way you can say that you are the best!suggestion 3: world and european championships
i would like to play old tournaments like european chamionships and world championships (this also with the real age of when it was played)suggestion 4: euro/world qualification
make a competition with countries where they can play qualification rounds first (poule system) and then continue to the head tournament. So you can choose the country you like f.e. san marino, germany, holland etc. and qualify for ek2020.
You can also do this for not european countries!suggestion 5: legend players
This is cool but 100coins is way to much! Can you make this cheaper? hahaI would love to help with everything and if someone have questions just ask them and then i can explain a little bit more about my ideas!
@D-vdWal_NL I cant agree more on everything you said, those are some really nice suggestions!
Hi there,
I think it should be create some fast mode leagues. I mean, some leagues with where everything happens faster. Like for example: 2 or more games simulations per day, fast trainings, fast stadium evolutions. Like a faster world.
Tell me your thoughts about this.
Take care
Suggest to introduce in the crew battles 20 Matchdays, without boss coins compesation, tc etc
Majstor Mattreplied to Vincent Ado Kompany on 29 May 2020, 07:01 last edited by Majstor Matt 29 May 2020, 07:02
@Ado-Hackovic Or maybe some special battles 10 v 10 members
That would be epic. But there would be restrictions that crew can play only one "BIG" battle at time, and also members could play simultaneously 1 "BIG" battle, and one normal 5 v 5 battle. Just a thought
@IvanAndal and @Ado-Hackovic enough is enough! Posts deleted!
I'm no longer joking guys! Time to stop with this non sense and behave!
Ok @SpecialOne, fair enough mate
Here's an idea in which I'm 100% for real. You know how you can upgrade your pitch to give you a bigger home advantage and also improve you stadium capacity to receive more funds after home matches.
Here's the idea - Match ticket price
A bar in which we could adjust the ticket price which would then balance between getting more funds or having a bigger home advantage in the game.
For example, if we maximize the ticket price we earn more funds from the match, and on the other hand if we minimize the price then we have bigger home advantage because stadium is sold out.Any thoughts ? 🧐
I believe CPU should have the ability to randomly use Training camps in the season and league cup games to make them more competitive
@Ado-Hackovic as game developer since 2005 I never saw suggestion like this
10,5h per week and more than 45h per month are you serious!! Anyway the changing tactic can be implement if we have matches once or two per week. That logic was implemented on dugout-online but users didnt use it much.
It was divided in 30min, fist half and 75min.
If you are losing more than two change to tactic xyz
If you are losing with one goal change the tactic xyz
If you are equal change tactic to xyz
If you are winning by one goal change tactic to xyz
If you are winning bu two goals change tactic to xyzThis change made a lot of unhappy cuz managing these 5 rules was the real deal