Football Master Series (FMS)
Congratulations @Serzhik-Kabuster , you deserve it.
Here is the end, here is our 6th Edition winner, congratulations @Serzhik-Kabuster !
Thank you to everyone for make it possible one more edition and make me easier the organization!
About next edition, remember we stop during June!
FMS 7th edition - Schedule
- From 05/07 to 11/07 - Sign up.
- From 12/07 to 14/07 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
- 15/07 - 1st round starts.
- 16/08 - 2nd round starts.
@language-AR @language-DE @language-EN @language-ES @language-FR @language-HU @language-ID @language-IT @language-PL @language-PT @language-RO @language-RU @language-TR
Just noticed no Boss Coin prizes for the last edition @Markez17 how come?
I was wondering the same. Why no coins rewards for this season? If still we'll get, can I give my part for 'charity' to one of my friends please? Thank you.
@jeffro-davies looks like no coins reward this time
Anyway I don't need those, I have enough, but someone else may need those coins. Im just disappointed how they are managing with this game...very sad.
Do you remember last time I got holidays during some days? Me neither, my last post was just 1-2 hours before took a train and "disappear" from all virtual life. Trust on me, I really needed it but seems that I'm here again!
@markez17 ok understandable. I wish you said this in previous post so I wouldn't say such things. I hope you enjoyed your vacations and everything is okay.
@markez17 I only asked a question and didn’t pester you for a reply. Don’t worry I won’t bother asking you a simple question in future. Have a nice holiday
Hi there! When will the next edition begin? Thanks!
@ruipsc5 I've seen it above! Sorry!
Tuga Legends Reborn will register on the 5th of July! Thanks
Hello everybody!
June is already ended so... Here is the schedule for next FMS edition:
FMS 7th edition - Schedule
- From 05/07 to 11/07 - Sign up.
- From 12/07 to 14/07 - Prepare leagues and contact managers.
- 15/07 - 1st round starts.
- 16/08 - 2nd round starts.
Sign up starts tomorrow, remember to read FMS rules and FAQs before ask a doubt or sign up your crew.
Thank you for your time reading me, keep in contact!
@language-AR @language-DE @language-EN @language-ES @language-FR @language-HU @language-ID @language-IT @language-PL @language-PT @language-RO @language-RU @language-TR
Crew name: Fenerbahçe SƘ
Creation date: 18/05/2019
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @richeartselcuk_sen
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Zeitgeist
Creation date: 03/12/2011
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Joseph.-Guardiola.
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Hinchas del Fútbol
Creation date: 24/04/2016
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Valen-Taverna
Could be your manager league moderator?: YesI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: El Potrero
Creation date: 14/02/2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Atiendepapupu
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Tuga Legends Reborn
Creation date: 03/05/2019
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @ruipsc5
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
PS-There was a little mistake in the Crew name on the registration post.
Crew name: MERAH PUTIH
Creation date: 19/03/2012
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @AS-Broo
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: THE 1ST
Creation date: 08.05.2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @reaktorr
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Black Warriors
Creation date: 09.03.2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @grillosalterino
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: REVISION
Creation date: 02/01/2019
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @ibrahim_1299
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.