Game Updates
@DMFArranhado98 No, whatapp is just continous chat, if you want to scroll back to find something from the past, wont find that easy. But with forums you can create special topic for some important notes, crew battle, discussing chat, whatever comes to your mind
Everything was more legible in the past with crew forums. And i want to see that here.
But after 4 years I lost hope for this. I dont expect to be returned. It is what it is
DMFArranhado98replied to Manager PR 9 on 29 Jan 2020, 01:01 last edited by DMFArranhado98 29 Jan 2020, 01:01
(...) is just continuous chat. If you want to scroll up to find something from the past, you won't find that easily.
Both Discord and WhatsApp have search features. On WhatsApp, you can only look for words; but you can go away beyond that on Discord, being able to scrutinize senders, mentioned users, if that message has any link/embed/file, a reference date or the...
(...) you can create special topic for some important notes: crew battle, discussing chat... whatever it comes to your mind.
... channel - separate rooms you can create only on Discord as well, allowing you to organize the communication among the crew managers.
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан said in Game Updates:
Will this model be kept in the scout?
85+Or will you return as you used to?
90+Because I see that they found a way to further complicate searches
I don’t see why GB needs to change this. I’m sure everyone likes it how it is
The ''age'' criteria should be changed and not this...
<u-20 (16, 17, 18, 19yo)
<u-23 ( only 20, 21, 22yo)
<u-25 ( only 23, 24 yo)
25 - 29yo
30+I'm tired of sending scout for a player 18-19yo and getting all terms of OSM a player 24yo is equal to a 60yo guy
@Manager-PR-9 said in Game Updates:
But after 4 years I lost hope for this. I dont expect to be returned. It is what it is
Losing hope? KKK
If there was something that I totally lost hope, it was the return of the much desired Liga Fantasia.
@MenagerBL said in Game Updates:
The ''age'' criteria should be changed and not this...
<u-20 (16, 17, 18, 19yo)
<u-23 ( only 20, 21, 22yo)
<u-25 ( only 23, 24 yo)
25 - 29yo
30+I'm tired of sending scout for a player 18-19yo and getting all terms of OSM a player 24yo is equal to a 60yo guy
Yes!! That would be better, forget players ranking that’s fine, personally I think concentrate on age.
I’d also like the old scout list with all players and nationality and the leagues to search them from would be very nice
just a list somewhere on the forums and not a separate app like the ticket days
These scout ratings will stay. They are part of a bigger update that will go live soon.
These new criteria are live only on Web for now but scout will bring players according with the criteria from where he was sent.
If you send scout from web, he'll bring players according new criteria.
If you send scout from App, he'll bring players according old criteria.@MenagerBL said in Game Updates:
I'm tired of sending scout for a player 18-19yo and getting all terms of OSM a player 24yo is equal to a 60yo guy
This not true... In fact, there are quite different, otherwise, everybody would be scouting/buying players over 30, because they are way cheaper.
Old players are also important on OSM... I believe that you got once in a while a typo from commentator about lack of experience on your squad.... he's not talking about matches played -
Yes that's true. Old players are also important...U must have few in your team...
Then, maybe something could be done about the training...10% or 15% more progression per session. Players 24yo are bad for training, although in reality that's a very very young age. With older it's becoming only worse. For players 27-28yo and older training is practically useless... -
@MenagerBL said in Game Updates:
Players 24yo are bad for training, although in reality that's a very very young age.
Bad for training? Come on... How much more do you want players to evolve in a single season? In some leagues, with normal training, you can double player stats in a season, and I'm talking of 24 - 26 years old players (even older ones)
Compared to players aged 18 or 19, players with age 24 train slow. That's why most people who scout <25 year old players in fact want to get players way younger than 24. A good manager doesn't waste his time on training 24 year old players. If you spend the time on training teenagers, your squad will develop way quicker.
By the way, I think the old rating criteria of the scout were fine. 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89 and 90+ is more convenient than 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84 and 85+. The only drawback of the old system is that there are not many 90+ players, so you got undesired results on this category easily (which will not happen with 85+). However, you can solve this by adding more 90+ players to the game. I mean, even Sergio Ramos isn't 90+ in OSM, come on.
if we are on player ratings i think that osm support that makes player ratings every transfer window, must change some things based on what is happening in the leagues (top 5) for example in England top scorer is Jamie Vardy 17 goals 4 assists and in osm his rating is now 86, ridiculous, instead Nicolas Pèpè Arsenal player 3 goals 3 assists, rating from osm support 91, how is it possible ?? it would be nice if the rating would be realistic
I don't really understand the point why GB decided to get rid of the 90+ option for scouts and to add lower-rated scouting possibilities to the game. I haven't heard from anyone that he/she went for 50-59 rated players (except for certain situations in competitive battles), so why go even lower?
And if you say that many managers are also scouting older players, why do you delete the option to scout the best old players with a rating over 90? I mean 86+ isn't bad at all, but I don't really get the sense behind deleting the possibility of scouting 90+ players....
This event has just shown that the scout is shockingly bad now. Trying to get 90 rated players with the same nationality as you’re building for is very hard. Please at least put a 90 rated option back on. I thought updates was supposed to make the game better not worse
This change is horrible. This completely screws up the scout. There was nothing wrong with the scout, why change it. The scout isnt the problem, the way you rate players is the problem. Modric, ramos, chiellini. All of them examples of players that are rated way too low. Revert the scout back to what it was please.
Think GB think it would make us use the scout more, opposite for me. I like scouting and building for the same nationality. Now the scout is useless for the players you want when it comes to the 90 rated players. I’m goal 9 in a official battle and on matchday 4 the scout will no longer be used
I can’t get the 90 players I want just keeps bringing back the same poor players not making my starting 11 stronger. Only option now is be quick on the list
Can you fix the trasnferlist please, because I have the feelings I dont have good quality players on it, and it makes the game unplayable because of not building up a team properly. I know the answer is scout, but I dont want to buy anything from the game that cost money. After all, scout is here to bring up profit to the game.
Sluggish19replied to TheBestManagerNL on 2 Feb 2020, 14:26 last edited by Sluggish19 2 Feb 2020, 14:27
I also agree with @TheBestManagerNL !!
Because you went to make changes to something that was already perfect ...
This kind of values makes no sense !!You could make so many changes and corrections in the game, and only change what should really be as it was ...
Very Sad!!
Yeah I saw that the scout ratings will be part of a bigger update, but it is super annoying when you put 75-84 rating search but only get three 75-78 players when I was trying to get an 82-84 players, or I do 85+ and I only get 85-87 when I was trying to get a 90+ player. This happens to me 75% of the time in my scout searches, and now it seems harder to get under 20 players with the young filter but I usually get 23+ age players. And it will only get more frustrating when the scout goes back to being 16 hours after the weekend and I will wait for my scout for 16 hours just to get a bad player I don't want. Please OSM do something about this, thanks.
Just go for cheaper alternatives. Better players will eventually get to the TL.