It keeps saying ''Oops" when I go into squad
@basel-moham7d same problem here
Same problem brudda
Same here.. -
Same. I thought I was the only one...
@tedlim me too
@tedlim Same problem here, but in one slot. The others are working good
Today peoples have so many problems with osm. But nobody notice that theres alot clubs missing when u make a new league aka game. And if somebody did than i need glasses. I guess its a templates or database problem?. Hope u wil fix this bc i really want start a new game tommorow xd
@nasrallah36 Same, it's just one slot to me
@tot1968 I dont know man.... i send a email and a forum to but the mod say only I send it already and don't spam it so its amazing...
@gabyaloy me pasa exactamente lo mismo en mi liga, es el mismo error, espero que lo solucionen somos varios
I can't enter the squad of my team
It's been a full day and i still can't enter my squad. I'm losing valuable progress, and i also spend 400 boss coins to create this competition. I can't even enter the moderator settings of my league when i open it on browser. I tried to clear cookies and cache, but the bug is still there. At this point i just want the competition to be deleted, and start a new one (without having to pay another 400 coins). I hope to get in contact with someone that is able to help.
@tot1968 any news on this?
It's been over 48 hours since we could find an opponent in battle, I find that it is not normal, if someone can help us solve this problem!
i cannot go to my squad to sell players
@temeenkoefin_nl it's a problem for all user in this time
@gabyaloy tengo el mismo problema, es demasiado molesto y ya no se que puedo hacer.
@josé-gervasio-núñez Son de cuarta, me hicieron perder todo el evento de venta de jugadores y el resto de mis oponentes se reforzaron y me sacaron la diferencia. Despues pierdo un partido y me sacan 2000 punto y gano uno y sumo 2 puntos a lo sumo 80
Whenever I try to enter the squad list, the game would glitch out and an error would occur. This means I cannot get any of my players on the transfer list.