Missing almost 3000BC
Hello, so a few weeks ago I did the Binance offer and got nothing from it, I have already contacted the three parties and yet none gave me a solution or a logical answer!
Could you guys give me some practical and real help or at least send me the Boss Coins?The asnwer from the Fyber support.
What the Binance support told me.
The support from OSM told me to contact fyber, fyber said that the partner has no yet validated my participation and the partner is not even aware of such dealership between both companies.
What is happening here xD? From what I've seen in this forum this is common
Hi there,
I understand that this is frustrating. Most offers pay out pretty quickly, but sometimes it can take longer. In this case Fyber has replied to you that the verification of the offer may take a few days. This was yesterday, so you need to be patient for a few days and wait until they will handle the offer. If by the end of this week you still didn't received the coins or at least a reply from them with more information, then you need to contact Fyber again.
There are some general guidelines every OSM user that uses these Bosscoins offers will have to follow:
Always proceed to the app from the link in the offer on OSM. Never download an app directly through the appstore as that will make you ineligable for the offer.
Always double check the information about requirements that is given with the offer. A lot of offers are for new users of that app only. Which means that if you have used that app before, you might not be eligable for future offers.
Do not contact the company of the app. They do not know anything about offers on OSM.
If you do not get the Bosscoins from an offer, you need to contact our external partner (Fyber, Tapjoy or RevU). Our external parters are the ones that manage these offers.
If the external partner doesn't give out any replies or you don't come to an agreement, then you can contact our customer support for some more help.
@FC-Eddie_NL Sir, the first message that I sent concerning this issue was almost 1 month ago... so I'm already at point 5., talking to costumer support for some help.
Take a look at this print:
The asnwers have always been the copypaste "our partner has 60 days to validate your participation xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
And since I have the opportunity to talk with you there are more offers mostly the offers: Download and In app action (like playing a game or two or similiar) and also Amazon Music where BC are due - I've already contacted fyber 1 month ago or so on them!
Did you put all of this information in your ticket to our customer support? If not, then the best thing you could do is reply to the e-mail from Roel.
FC Eddie_NL Moderator NLreplied to migueldios10 on 7 Mar 2024, 13:24 last edited by FC Eddie_NL 7 Mar 2024, 13:24
I can't help you with this. I'm just a Forum Moderator. This is all handled by our customer service. You will have to reply to the e-mail from Roel and add all those extra info. Without all that info, Roel can't do anything because of the system in place.
They will take another look at your issue. As I am assuming that you will be contacted by e-mail, I will close your topic. Good luck and I hope things will sort out for you.
Hi there,
I have re-opened your topic.
Unfortunately, the monetization team can't do anything at this time. If the 60 day wait period has ended and you still didn't received the Bosscoins, then please contact Fyber again.