Ando Buscando Gente Activa Para El Clan,Que Juegue Batallas, No Importa Si Te Creaste Una Cuenta Hace 1 Segundo O Ya Tienes, Aqui Ayudamos A Todos Por Igual
@The-King-Del-Fulbito Mate, You are in the English forum and each forum has its rules, including writing in the corresponding language. In this case, English is spoken here. On the other hand, if you want to announce your group or recruit members, there are these 2 topics where you can do it.
1 reclutamiento gruposHere you can make your post to recruit members and in Spanish on this topic
2 are You looking for new crew members recruitmet You can also do it here in this topic, but here you must do it in English. -
Closing the topic instead of deleting it.
@yilder-morales Thanks
F FC Eddie_NL locked this topic on
F FC Eddie_NL moved this topic from OSM: The game on