Crews Nostalgia Tour V
@Hestera always Turkey :flag_tr:
@Hestera Turkey:flag_tr:
@Hestera everytime everywhere Turkey :flag_tr:
#Respect of crew Fenerbahçe SK
If you can ask at the end of the tournament on the screen with matches sociable of all the players.
We have to make sure that everyone played Fair Play
Respect for labor for everyone ..
#Respect of crew The Best of Turkey:clap_tone1: :flag_tr:
Cup final week, good luck my dear friend F.S.M.0.13 -
@republic_cc53 Thank you my dear friend
@F.S.M.0.13 Good Luck mate!
Yes! The cup is for my partner the great @none-bonita. Great match of the two managers!
@alvarorr_98 thank you alvaro. Great final. .. The final for The Bulls youngs horns
Nostalgia Cup Winner @none-bonita Congratz
We came the last day of the tournament . Thank you to everyone for their efforts and outstanding achievement. It was a beautiful and enjoyable tournament.We are close to the end
Who will be the winner of the tournament ?
Fenerbahce SK ? or The Best Of Turkey ?
Will be announced tonight
Congratulations The Best of Turkey