Boss coins not received on my smartphone after watching videos
bolded text
Why i donโt receive my boss coins in my smartphone ?
SUPERNOVA 8replied to Ardmsosmz on 12 Jan 2019, 13:20 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 12 Jan 2019, 23:47
@ardmsosmz Hello there!
I'm sorry but your post is not helping us or you to find solution to your problem.
If you have a bug we surely need your bug report asap -
So please read carefully this topic and when ready post right here your Bug template.
Thank you! -
SUPERNOVA 8replied to SUPERNOVA 8 on 12 Jan 2019, 13:45 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 12 Jan 2019, 13:45
Waiting for your post and Bug Template in here @mirkuz19
Thank you ! -
SUPERNOVA 8replied to Tolga ANK06 on 12 Jan 2019, 14:23 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 12 Jan 2019, 14:27
@tolga-ank06 said in Boss coin problem?:
I'm watching advertisement in my smart phone (android) but i can't receive my boss coins.
I'm waiting for your help,
See you,@tolga-ank06 Same here. I'll be waiting for your Bug report and Template.
Thank you! -
@zuchering said in Boss coins:
I watched a lot a videos and didn't receive any boss coins yet. What can I do?
@zuchering If you watched videos on a smartphone, please fill the Bug template mate...
Same here, its been happening all weekend. Sometimes it does work but I will need to tap the Boss coins icon every time after a video so it updates. Other times that doesn't even work. I have missed over a hundred boss coins by now..
It started on Friday afternoon;
Login: Baklap89
Account: Slot 1
League number: (not mandatory if you don't know how to find it)
Date & Time of the bug: Last occured just now, 11:30 GMT+1 Sunday
Platform: Android App latest version
Screenshots: (2 images, before and after watching. No change in coin amount)
Bug step-by-step Description: Watch the video, wait for it to end, click the 'x', no coins added.***For bugs related with the Android App and iOS App versions, please add:
App Version:
Brand/type device: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S
OS version: Android 9 -
SUPERNOVA 8replied to Baklap89_NL on 13 Jan 2019, 11:20 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 13 Jan 2019, 11:20
@baklap89_nl Hello , welcome to the World forum and thank you so much for your bug template. We really needed that.
But please take a look at your images.
They are not clear at all.
I'm sorry but could you please try to take new screen shots from your App's Business Club and post them in here? -
Hi Supernova,
I'm sorry, what's not clear exactly? Did you click the thumbnails in the album so the full size images opened? They can't be much clearer than that I think. The filename with time is included with both (below the images when opened), you can see exactly that I watched the 3 videos as in the second screenshot there are no videos left, while no boss coins were credited as the amount stays the same in the second screenshot.
Please let me know if you mean something else.
@baklap89_nl Let me double check your shots please.
@baklap89_nl You were absolutely right.
Accept my apologies . I did manage to get a clear view of your screenshots.
Thank you once again for your help!
I can forward your bug report now. -
Fantastic, glad to hear it!
Hope it gets solved soon
It is unpredictable but its happened a bunch of times now, it all started on Friday and never happened before that if it helps in any way. May have something to do with some update or change that went live around that time perhaps
@baklap89_nl Yep you are probably right.
As for the date of the Bug , I will write down Friday , cause devvers ask the date / time of the beginning of the malfunction. -
Same problem at me, since yesterday I have missed over a hundred boss coins by now. I am not getting any coin for watching videos.
Login: TusA18
Account: Slot 1,2,3,4
League number: -
Date & Time of the bug: Since yesterday by now
Platform: Android
Bug step-by-step description: Watching the video, waiting for it to end and no coins added.Could someone please forward the problem?
@tusa18 Ofc I can forward it. I already did with the previous manager's report.
But your bug report , I'm sorry but it's incomplete. A lot of infos missing. Please could you look at @Baklap89_NL Bug Template and add the missing infos to your own Template?
And if possible add a couple screen shots too.
Thank you ! -
@supernova-8 hello sir, i have same problem too about 2 days, i am watching advertorial and i didnt recieve any boss coin about 2 days....
i use android and i have 2 slots in my account.
SUPERNOVA 8replied to tunc cevik on 13 Jan 2019, 13:08 last edited by SUPERNOVA 8 13 Jan 2019, 13:15
I appreciate your politeness but I'm not a Sir my friend. Haha, I'm a woman.
As for your problem, I would love to help you but I need you to fill in your own Bug template first and post it in here.
Could you please do that?๐ท Bug Report Template:
At this moment we've got 5 different versions on which users can login to OSM:
Website (PC or mobile device)
Android App
iOS App (iPhone)
iOS App (iPad)
All bugs should be reported using the following basic guidelines.
Login: (Login of the user with the bug)
Account: (Slot1, Slot2, Slot3, Slot4)
League number: (not mandatory if you don't know how to find it)
Date & Time of the bug: (This should be as accurate as possible, for developers to check error logs)
Platform: (Website PC/Mobile, Facebook, Android App, iPhone App, iPad App) ***
Screenshots: (Full screen - URL and time should be presented)
Bug step-by-step Description: (The ideal is that you describe all the steps you do to reproduce the error)โข For bugs related with the full website and Facebook versions, please add >>
โข For bugs related with the Android App and iOS App versions, please add >>
App Version:
Brand/type device:
OS version: -
Login: TusA18
Account: Slot 1,2,3,4
League number: -
Date & Time of the bug: It started yesterday afternoon! ( Saturday - 12th of January )
Last occured just now, 15:00 GMT+2 Sunday
Platform: Android App latest version
Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2: (2 images, before and after watching. No change in coin amount)
Bug step-by-step Description: Watching the video, waiting for it to end and no coins added.App Version:
Brand/type device: Huawei P9 Lite
OS version: Android 7Now its ok? @SUPERNOVA-8
@tusa18 It's brilliant !!!
Thank you very much!! I will forward it now for you too.
@supernova-8 oh my god so sorry
Login: tunc cevik
Account: Slot1, Slot2
League number: i dont know it
Date & Time of the bug: 11th January 2019
Platform: (Mobile, Facebook, Android App)
Bug step-by-step Description: (The ideal is that you describe all the steps you do to reproduce the error)***For bugs related with the full website and Facebook versions, please add: Watching the video, waiting for it to end and no coins added.
Browser:***For bugs related with the Android App and iOS App versions, please add:
App Version:
Brand/type device: samsung s7
OS version: Android 8 -
@tunc-cevik App Version: