Game Updates
@SUPERNOVA-8 Thanks now I can see it
ok nice!!
Hey, on ios you can see your player's rating by checking his card but on adroid you can't. Will be there any update about that? Thanks
Why league indonesia not update
WEB (LIVE: 29-03)
- You can now finetune your Tactics with numbers for your Pressure, Tempo and Style sliders
- Scout is always showing which (the criteria you gave him) players he's looking for
- New design for all flags
- New design for all alerts
AND (LIVE: 03-04)
- You can now see your World Domination!
- You can now see all your Club Funds coming in (after your match experience)
- New help texts for Squad, Transfer List, Sponsors, Line-up and Tactics
iOS (LIVE: around 03-04)
- New help texts for Squad, Transfer List, Sponsors, Line-up and Tactics
- Double push notification bug fixed
- Text in Cup that always says you're eliminated fixed
@Harry-Poon Havn't been able to fine tune my team as the slider button is not working , when trying to slide it remains stationary and
only changes from 0 to 100 ie does not slide, any suggestions -
Hi, when you reported this problem earlier you were told to report it on the support forum using the bug template. Please do that so we can help you.
Thanks! -
A new Android version is available on playstore
No new features, just some bug fixes being the major bug one a fix to solve App crashes on last season day (Android tablets only)!
please add the "match experience" in Windows
Use English language in these forums....
This post is deleted!
I am getting fed up with this stupid scout, it's idiotic, that you can't find a player for the position you want, neither the nationality. I have been playing this game for many years and am so close to quitting!! I prefer the previous scout before the 2017 update, atleast you can actually get what you need!!
The Libyan League must work and I can help in the development
I know I ain't the only one that wants this stupid scout changed, so everyone that wants it should get together and bombard the makers of this idiotic scouting system, with emails to change it.... I am simply fuming that I have to waste time, using this stupid system just to get the specific players.... It has now been 6 days, and still no sign, of the player for the position I need or from a specific nation!!!
I'm loving the osm update, it's very good and easy to go with. I know years to come OSM is going to be one of the best.
@Dan-Tilley Hello mate,
You can tell your scout to find players for the position you choose. You can tell him to search for younger or older players. You can tell him to search for players with rating/quality you choose(50-59,60-69,70-79 etc.) You can also tell him to search for players with attacking, defensive and all-round style(for example,you choose a midfielder and a defensive style, scout will search for midfielders that are better in defending than in attacking or you choose a defender with attacking style, he will be good in attacking, that is especially good for your right and left backs. I think you should be satisfied with these options and if you have any complaints, insulting the staff won't help. -
@Dan-Tilley , Hi mate..
I'm sorry that I have to agree with @Maca322 ..
For me, to be a good manager, you should be able to make the best of your squad available.
A good manager should not complaint about the outcome cause he/she could not find spesific players like Messi or Ronaldo for example.
Many times (in real life also) things don't go as your plan, and you have to find the ways..
If you found the ways to achieve your goals without those spesific players, it would be great for you. And that would make you a better manager.
That's what a manager need for. Built the team with best players possible, and make the most of it.. -
@Maca322 Yes I know how to use that scout, but it is frustrating when you need a specific position i.e. LM, and the scout keeps bringing back AM or RM. I play different countries/Nations i.e. Asia/Africa, I would prefer to bring players that already speak the language of the current players, but I do not get that from the scout... Hence why the scout needs to be altered so that we can search the positions needed and search specif nations, like the old scout used to be like.